Responsive eLearning thoughts

Responsive (or Adaptive) design means that your design adapts to the screen it is viewed on. Simply put, smaller screens have less space. You can’t fit as much on the screen, and the layout adjusts accordingly. People expect to be able to take training wherever they are, with whatever device they happen to have inContinue reading “Responsive eLearning thoughts”

Hazard Identifcation VR Solution

Working for a high powered customer focused retail organisation it comes with no surprise that they would like to be on the pulse with their learning offerings for staff. Being part of the Retail Operations Learning and Development Team allows me to work with a great set of professionals talented in different capacities. The WorkplaceContinue reading “Hazard Identifcation VR Solution”

Boredom Taxonomy

Boring eLearning is a huge problem for learners and instructors alike. Everyone in the L&D profession knows this. The problem is, why are people still creating boring courses? Online lessons are often boring for the same reasons that traditional classes are boring. The problem of boredom won’t go away simply by avoiding it. You haveContinue reading “Boredom Taxonomy”

Virtual and Augmented Reality Research

Virtual reality (VR) refers to the computer-generated simulation of a world, or a subset of it, in which the user is immersed. It represents the state of the art in multimedia but concentrates on the visual senses. VR allows the user to experience situations that are too dangerous or expensive to enter ‘in the flesh’.Continue reading “Virtual and Augmented Reality Research”

Learning Theories Research

Working in the eLearning scene the last ten plus years I have been with a lot of companies who do not fully understand how people “learn”. I was fortunate that I did a psychology subject at university that covered this very topic. Basically, there are four main categories or frameworks under which learning theories fall:Continue reading “Learning Theories Research”